We are very big into fishing and well with fishing comes the great fishy smell that sticks to your hands well not anymore! Our fisherman soap contains pumice stone that can get ANY hands clean, smelling good and feeling soft
All soaps are handmade on our farm, with a little help from our Nigerian Dwarf goats and natural oils! Our goats on our farm produce a very rich milk that is used in all of our soaps to provide a soft feeling and provides great health benefits for everyone!
We make all our soaps in small batches, with this some may result in a slight variation of size, shape and color between bars. All bars I try and keep around 4-5 oz.
Farm Fresh Goat Milk (from our herd),Coconut Oil,Palm Oil, Olive Oil, Shea butter Sodium Hydroxide,Rubbing Alcohol,Essential Oil,Colorant
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